Other Stuff

Sunday, February 01, 2009

2009 Auto Show

My son and I went to the Auto and Boat Show in Harrisburg today, so you'll be seeing car pictures every once in a while for a while. I took some, we'll call different, pictures, just to see what I could do with them. But I spent the evening Super Bowling so I didn't have time to fix anything up. So here are three my son took with his new point and shoot digital. Three of one hundred and twenty four that he took. He is the real car guy. He could spot a hot car at 70 mph going in the opposite direction and tell you what fuel mileage it gets. The show wasn't too bad, lots of people but nothing like the elbow to elbow you get at the sportsman's show. It was nearly impossible to get a picture without someone stepping up to the car or just in front of you. The Caddie had a guy camping out inside for 15 to 20 minutes. More later.


  1. OK, Which one did you buy or did you get all three ?

  2. Pocket change, Wally, pocket change.
