Other Stuff

Thursday, February 26, 2009

In the Middle of the Road

This picture is from a senior picture shoot last fall. I conceived this idea from a similar yet completely different picture I found online. We found this back road on a Sunday morning to be the perfect set up. I think only one car came by. When it did I quickly moved the chair to the side of the road. I'll bet they thought, "Damn, if we'd have come through five minutes ago, we could have gotten that chair." My original idea was cornfields on either side, but when we got to the designated road through the cornfield they were there picking the corn. That's my luck, a day late and a dollar short.


  1. Happy Birthday !!!!!! I have a calendar that has mostly everyone's b-day on it and I see it's this beautiful lady's birthday pictured here today. Tell her many more happy blessed years!

  2. Happy birthday Coley. Love you. Pap and Bubba

  3. Happy Birthday Coley! Love Aunt Kathy
