Other Stuff

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Backyard is Alive

While taking robin pictures last week I failed to notice another visitor to my backyard. I snapped a few shots before he ducked behind the garden wall. So, I eased forwards until he poked his head back up. I froze and snapped a couple more. He ducked down again and I low crawled into position on the end of the low wall. Lying flat on the ground, camera resting on the end of the wall he made another appearance. This time just 10 feet away. Awesome! During all this my daughter came home and I'm sure she was thinking of how proud of me she was. Yeah, that's what she was thinking.


  1. I can just see all the neighbors looking out the windows just shaking their.
    You must bring real excitement to the neighborhood. I know when you drive by my house I can`t wait to see what you have found.
    Have a great Day.

  2. I'm pretty sure Coley was thinking "God, my dad is such an embarassment to me" and I'll bet the chipmunk was thinking you were just plain crazy.

  3. Daughter and neighbors thinking the samething. He has had to much to drink again.
