Other Stuff

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Broad Street Market and Harrisburg

This is, obviously, the Broad Street Market in Harrisburg. I spent most of today out shooting pictures with Bradley and his son Shane (both fellow bloggers). Our goal today was taking pictures of the Old School Firehouses in Harrisburg. Well, by the end of the day and with that lost hour of sleep starting to take its toll I had racked up 380 shots. Among other things I got pictures of 14 old firehouses (9 in the city, 5 on the West Shore), 6 active firehouses (1 in the city), 10 Painted Gentleman and nearly 100 pictures of birds and squirrels at Wildwood Lake on the north side of Harrisburg. I've known about Wildwood but have never stopped by, hopefully today was the first of many more visits. So, Bradley, thank you, thank you, thank you I had a great time and I may have even learned something.


  1. I am glad you enjoyed yourself, I know Shane and I had fun. I always like getting out and shooting. If you learned anything it had to come from Shane, the kids at work think I am just old and have nothing to offer.

    Now I canp;t wait to see what all you post from the little trip. And to see how many times you keep returning to Wildwood. Next time we will go to Fort Hunter, photograph the bridge and the river birds and maybe even some bald eagles.

  2. For anyone that has never been to this market you need to check it out.
    Lots of really good eating. Some really good for you and some not so good but really tasty.
    Look forward to seeing some of the old firehouse posts in the future.

  3. Well, I did learn one thing. As Chris Rock used to say, "Don't run from the police. If they have to chase you, they're bringing an ass kicking with them." And the whole time I never lifted the camera off my lap. Duh.
