Other Stuff

Friday, March 27, 2009

Early Morning SkyWatch

A day late, I know. I've been later to more important things. I posted a similar picture to this a month or two ago, but hey, this is across the farmer's field behind my house. And trust me I'll never grow tired of looking out back and seeing this. This was Monday morning there was a late moon rise. On the eastern horizon you can see the sun starting to chase the moon away. I'm not sure and I don't have time to google it but there was also a planet up there shining bright, I don't know which one it is.


  1. This is beautiful! A perfect night blue and the little wisp of the moon!

    Happy SWF :)

  2. Great moon shot, I have yet to get one good enough to post!

  3. Beautifully done! What a great view from your yard. Happy SWF...
