Other Stuff

Friday, March 13, 2009

Harrisburg Wagon 3

Hey, this could be a return to Fireday Friday. Or it could just be a fire engine. While ramming around the city last Sunday we heard the sirens and made our way to the scene. The emergency turned out to be nothing major but we were able to add some unexpected fire ground pictures to our day of shooting.
Wagon 3 is a 2008 Pierce with a 1500 gallon per minute pump, with a telescoping light tower and a new Amkus Vehicle Rescue System and is housed at the Uptown Station with Tower 2. The wagon cost $570,000. These things aren't cheap, people.


  1. This is the rig I will retire from, sweet, fast, AC and it has train horns. Goodbye truck hello gravy job.

  2. Brad, just remember a real wagon driver will put down the camera and do truck work. I am coming up for a ride along, but you have to do 24 hours straight.


  3. not too shabby for not saying seagrave on the front
    E4 Lt
