Other Stuff

Thursday, March 19, 2009

SkyWatch over Lake Erie

A little more LakeWatch than SkyWatch this week. Actually this comes from Lake Erie last summer, Headlands Beach just east of Cleveland, Ohio. This was one of my test shots while I waited on the "Good" sunset colors. This then begs the question is there such a thing as a bad sunset? No sunset, maybe. But a bad sunset? It's like pizza, even when it's not that great it's still pretty good.


  1. Fantastic photo, definately one of my favourites so far this week. Awesome.

    Have a great weekend!
    Regina In Pictures

  2. The colors are warm and fabulous. The photograph is stunning.

  3. very pretty ocean scene! the colors on the water are lovely.

  4. Stunning photo!

    I used to live in Chambersburg.

  5. How profound. I have to agree that there is no bad sunset just as there is no bad pizza. All sunsets are worth stoping what you are doing to admire and even the horrible pizza place near my home (the only pizza for 30-40 miles) is not all that bad when you are craving pizza (and beer of course).
    Thanks for sharing your lovely shots of the sunset.
    Happy First Day of Spring!
