Other Stuff

Saturday, April 04, 2009

It's Crocus Time!

Springtime. And some of the first visitors from below... the Crocus'. I don't personally have crocus' at my house, these were literally popping up all over my Mother-in-Law's house. The front gardens, the side gardens and even creeping out into the yard. And just like a Cheech and Chong movie she had white ones and some purple ones and some little bitty yellow ones. These pictures were taken with my macro lens. At times I was nearly touching the flower. And if you look close you can see a focus ring on some of these. The end of the yellow is in focus and so are some of the petals, but the base of the stigma and the tips of the petals are out of focus. And if you hadn't noticed look at the flake of pollen on the bottom petal of the first picture. Cool.

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