Other Stuff

Thursday, April 09, 2009

SkyWatch over Mt. Princeton

SkyWatch this week is from a few years back, our 2005 family vacation to Colorado. There is a fine line between Colorado at 0 degrees and Colorado at 100 degrees, this week right here was the warmer of the two. After leaving Colorado Springs we headed cross country and around lunchtime found ourselves on the outskirts of Buena Vista. We stopped at this overlook outside of town and took some pictures before heading into town for lunch at the park. After lunch we headed on down the road and over Independence Pass.


  1. Looking at this beautiful photo, I couldn't imagine it being 100 degrees. The sky looks so cool, and then the mountains are partially shaded.

  2. That is a really wonderful capture. What a view!

  3. Stunning wiew, great pic! Happy SWF!

  4. Lovely photo. I adore your shots of the white tail looking back at you.

  5. How lovely, serene and filled with beauty.
