Other Stuff

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thanks, Easter Bunny!

Shippensburg's annual Easter Egg Hunt went off without a hitch this year. And it happened before Easter. The kids lined up and slowly it seemed, but steadily gathered the eggs and goodies strewn out before them. I overheard one kid (an older, much wiser kid in the senior division of 8 year olds) telling his buddy that if it were an egg HUNT they would have to look for the eggs, but here you just had to go pick them up. The truck loads of toys, candies and other goodies was unreal. How could you thank everyone who helped donate and contribute time to this yearly event. But I will say, "Thank You" to everyone who helped. The volunteers with the Shippensburg Fire Department (Vigilant Hose, CV Hose, West End and the Shippensburg EMS) the Shippensburg Fire Police and Shippensburg Township for the facilities to hold this event. And to everyone else, "Thank You", you know who you are.
The second and third picture you can tell I got to go up in CV Hose Co.'s Truck 53 and get some aerial pictures. The first picture is the Easter Bunny himself casting a stern eye towards the volunteers distributing candy a little too close for his comfort.

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