Other Stuff

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

I told you all last week I was going to replenish my bird picture stockpile, so before heading over to Fire Expo Saturday morning we spent an hour at the feeders at Wildwood Lake. It was a bit different than last March when I was there, with the tree leaves all out you don't see the birds hanging out in the trees branches. So you will see some bird pictures at the feeders. While watching and waiting this Hummingbird zipped by and I realized I was standing next to the feeder, so I backed off turned the camera on the tripod focused on the feeder and set it to manual focus. Then it was a waiting game. She came in two or three times and all I had to do was hit the shutter release. Most of what I got were good, these were some of the better. This is a female ruby Throated Hummingbird. That's why there is no ruby throat. These are the most abundant hummingbird in this area. More bird picture this weekend. I couldn't wait until the weekend to show you this one though.


  1. Wow aewsome haney.
    These guys are so small and fast to get such good pictures is amazing. No wonder you couldn`t wait till the weekend.

  2. Good job Haney, I take it you liked Wildwood? It is an awesome place.
