Other Stuff

Thursday, May 14, 2009

SkyWatch over Redstone

Redstone Colorado is truly a gem of a town. Sitting along the Crystal River in Central Colorado it began as a coal company town around the turn of the last century. John Osgood Cleveland built 84 cottages and a 40 room inn, many of which are still standing today, as are the coking ovens. Last time I was there we just parked at one end of town and walked down the main street which is lined with unique and quirky shops. Not far out of town is J. O. Cleveland's home known as Cleveholm Manor or the Redstone Castle. I think at the time we were in town it was having financial problems and was for sale. I haven't heard anything since. I hope it didn't go to waste.

About the picture... this day, like every other day, worked up to 100 degrees. The clouds you see turned into a heavy downpour and dropped the temps into the seventies. When the sun returned in shot back i to the nineties with humidity.


  1. Haney,
    I am ready to go back, I'll even put up with 100 degrees. Mom

  2. Redstone looks beautiful, great shot.

    Have a great week
    Regina In Pictures

  3. Great photo! It's hot and humid here too!!

  4. What a lovely nestled lil' community! ~Maria

  5. We were there last November. What a special place it is. Can't wait to get back. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I'd love to visit redstone..it looks so beautiful..

    great shot..

  7. Looks loke a nice quiet place. It is sad that country towns so often see a demisse with young people seeking jobs and excitement in cities. Nice shot.

  8. Nice pictures. I thought it looks rather cool, until you said it reached 100* - wow. And they say there is no global warming. Thanks for sharing SWF.
