Other Stuff

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Baltimore Orioles Vs. New York Mets

Dateline Baltimore, Maryland... Bobblehead night leads to an O's win... film at eleven. That's right, my first visit to Charm City to watch my Orioles play turned out pretty good. Although we didn't get there until the 3rd inning we got to watch some fun baseball. In town that evening were the New York Mets in an interleague matchup. Pitching for the O's... Koji Uehara (picture no. 2) his opponent, Tim Redding. Koji did a good job but didn't go deep into the game, most nights he doesn't. But this evening the bullpen held up it's end of the deal. And finally it was time for the closer, George Sherrill (picture no. 4). George made quick work of the top of the ninth, without his usual loading the bases with no outs and then striking out three in a row. Picture no. 1 is just my obligatory field overview shot. Isn't it a beautiful site to spent your evening staring into? Picture no. 3 shows the O's right fielder Nick Markakis taking a lead off first and the Mets first baseman, Daniel Murphy, trying to hold him close. Picture no. 5 is the Bird celebrating the win and the last picture show Catcher Matt Weiters, just up from AAA, cleaning up a shaving cream pie in the face. Matt hit his first big league homer in the 2nd inning while we were still outside the park. I think Amber Theoharris (the interviewer) made it through without getting any shaving cream on herself. Excuse the lack of sharpness on some of these pictures, my seats were way up there. At least we had some roof over our heads when it showered a couple times.

1 comment:

  1. Haney, did you find a fix for this problem of scheduled post. It is becomming a pain in the butt and at my location I have no time to figure it out.

    Go Birds!
