Other Stuff

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cedar Waxwing

I don't know if it's boredom or having the camera but I have been seeing new birds right and left. Had I ever seen a Cedar Waxwing before? I don't know. But within a short couple of weeks I have been literally seeing them all over the place. I've read that if you see one you'll see a whole bunch. Well, I've seen one and I've seen a whole bunch. I've heard they are mainly fruit eaters, a flock will move in a bare a tree of fruit. I've seen them sitting in a cherry tree eating fruit. And I've heard that earlier in spring they will eat flying bugs. I've seen them swooping over the ponds along with the Kingbirds and Swallows. So here I present you the Cedar Waxwing, named, so I've heard, for the red "dipped in wax" tip on their wings.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the late comment, but I was out of town this weekend. I think the cedar waxwing bird is so cool. I had two young ones in a tree last year. Didn't know what there where until I did some research.
