Other Stuff

Monday, June 08, 2009

Comment Changes, Sorry.

It is with regret that I am adding that annoying word verification to my comments. I hope this doesn't discourage those of you who comment but I have been hit twice in the past two weeks with 70, yes seventy, spam comments from some asshole in Asia. Sorry, I know that word verification can be a pain but I need to go into my innerbloggerworks and delete 70, yes seventy, comments from some asshole in Asia.
Thanks for you cooperation,


  1. I don't know if you noticed but I had to do the same thing, two weeks ago some dick head from Tiawan spammed the fire site on 88 post. Needless to say I was pissed and almost deleted the whole site.

    I also hate word verification and often have to type it in two or three times before getting it right but it was the last resort.

  2. And the messages were in Chinese. They said, "I hope you will very very happy for you. The worlds most famous detective company." I vote capital punishment for spammers.
