Other Stuff

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Weekend Birds

More birds for last weekend. These were from around the house and around the farm. #1. This grumpy old man maight just be the same little guy that I posted last week. #2. His Momma fudssing around getting him something to eat. #3. Mockingbird. The evening light was starting to play trick on me, a lot of magenta was starting to show in the shadows. #4. Sharp-Shinned Hawk. This hawk looks a lot like a Cooper's Hawk but a Cooper flys with his head straight out and a Sharp-Shinned flys with his head back. You learn something new everyday. #5. The same Sharp-Shinned Hawk making some friends.

1 comment:

  1. Haney,

    Sure, friends in #5, come a little closer Tweety. I'll fly away.

    Nice picture of #1. Sure does look grumpy. Come closer, let me peck your lens off the camara.

    Good pictures Haney.

