Other Stuff

Monday, July 13, 2009

Fenway Park, Boston, Mass.

On the way home from Maine last week we broke the trip up with a stop in Boston. And the next morning took a tour of Fenway Park, Home of the Boston Red Sox, before continuing south. Boston, I must say, is one of the cleanest big cities I've been in. We drove around looking for the park but ended up quite lost. But through that we did see M.I.T. and Harvard. And some really nice old fire stations. Especially in Cambridge. I'll need to go back and check them out. And see a game next time. Today I'm just gonna show you the outside, tomorrow we'll let Steve show you the inside. It was a game day so we didn't get to see into the dugouts, inside the monster or the clubhouse. Pic #1... the view from Yawkey Way. Pic #2... the dedication plaque along Yawkey Way at the main office entrance. Pic #3... the view from Brookline Avenue crossing the Mass Pike. Pic #4... this is the team store, across the street, where you buy tour tickets and anything imaginable with a Red Sox logo on in. Seriously, ANYTHING.

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