Other Stuff

Saturday, July 04, 2009

July 4th

I pledge allegiance to the Flag
of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands:
one Nation under GOD, indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all.

I pledge allegiance to the flag
What do those words mean to you?
To me they say, Thank You America for your Strength, your Courage, and for our Freedom, Which has been a Beacon to the World for 200 years.
of the United States of America,
Whose bright stars are 50 states, each bearing it's own stand of individuality. People, 200 million strong. People, who have come to her from all corners of the earth.
and to the Republic for which it stands:
A land of laws that the genius system of checks and balances, that allows no man to become a tyrant and lets no group prevail, if their power is not tempered, real concern for the Government. A land where the right of dissent and free speech are jealously guarded. Where the Ballot Box is the Sword and the People, it's wielder.
one Nation under GOD,
A land of freedom, where worship is the cornerstone of her being. A land graced with temples and churches, synagogues and temples that rise in profusion, to embrace all the religions of the world
A land forged by the hot steel and raw courage and formed forever by an awful Civil War.
With Liberty
Where man, in pursuit of an honest life,will not be denied his chance. Where her citizens move freely within her vast borders, without interference of fear. A land brimming with opportunity,where freedom of choice is the guide line for all.
and Justice
The courts of our land are open to all, it's wheels of justice grind for all causes, all people, they look to every avenue for justice, every concern of the law and the temper their reasoning with mercy,
Pledge by Francis Bellamy 1892
Commentary by John Wayne 1973

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