Other Stuff

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Great Egret, Birdwalk 8/16/09

After a trip to New York City on Friday and Saturday I headed for the solitude of Big Spring Sunday morning. Had a really good walk, saw birds I've never seen over there and birds I haven't seen for a while. And I didn't see birds that I have seen on every walk this past spring and summer so maybe the seasons are changing. I don't know if there were more than one or if I just kept jumping the same Egret. I did get a bunch of pictures of him.


  1. WOW, the last one is full of action, love it!!

    Have a nice SWF.

  2. Haney I have enough trouble remembering what day of the week it is now you really got me confused. I amde the same mistake a couple of weeks ago on my dates for scheduled postings. It looks like you got closer than they normally let you, they are spooked easily.

  3. Beautiful Egret shots, great to get it in flight as well.
