Other Stuff

Friday, August 28, 2009

Rescue Hook & Ladder, Mechanicsburg, Pa

Another old school firehouse and another old firehouse that now stands as a restaurant. This one sits on West Main Street. The Rescue Hook and Ladder was founded in 1888 and later merged with the Citizen's Fire & Rescue Co. No. 2 in 1975. The old station house is now Jo Jo's Pizza.


  1. Does it still look like a firehouse inside? I have never been in this pizza joint.

  2. Sparky, Like the last two stations that I posted that are now restaurants, I've never been there. I took these pictures on lunch break but I hit all the Mechanicsburg stations and didn't have time to mosey too long at any of them.

  3. Doesn't look much like a firehouse now, but then, I never saw the inside before the restaurant moved in.
    There is a lot of interior that was left alone, so it wasn't a total gut and paint job, but at the very least, the owners did a great job ensuring that this building did not fall into disrepair and remained a part of the town's history.

  4. It looks like a firehouse if people look at it closely from across the street. It has the remaining arch top door on the side and the driveway still remains left on the sidewalk to the truck entrance. And it if people know it wasn't ever a church why does it still have bell tower?

  5. If people are into history of firehouses like me, you can see lots of details of reasons how it was a firehouse. Lots of firehouses in old days were on the corner of street blocks. It has sidewalk driveway remaining where the apparatus pulled in and out of firehouse. Obviously if you stop and think churches were never connected to other buildings, so it wouldn't be a church or schoolhouse either with a driveway. So a bell tower would only go to a firehouse.
