Other Stuff

Friday, September 04, 2009

The Changing of the Seasons

Fall is definitely in the air. Not that summer ever really showed up. And that's OK with me. I could do with out 90 degrees and 90% humidity. The heavy dew and cool temperatures in the morning, maybe even a long sleeved shirt. And what better sign of the upcoming autumn? High School football starts tonight. Are you ready for some?


  1. I think football might be starting here tonight, too. We hear the excitement of the game wafting through a slight valley and then into our house. We have hot and dry here as opposed to your hot and humid. I'll take hot & dry over hot & humid any day!

    Nice post...I love the green...We have only brown unless sprinklers are used.

  2. Quiet an Tranquil...Good place for an evening stroll, ain't it. Great Shot. Thanks for sharing
