Other Stuff

Monday, September 14, 2009

An Insider's Look at the Parade

This past Saturday was the 82nd annual Cumberland County Firefighter's Association convention parade. Hosted by the Cumberland Valley Hose Co. No. 2 in Shippensburg it was held in conjunction with their 150th anniversary. I rode with the Vigilants in Engine 252. It was a drizzly day that looked like it might at least stop raining. But at 2 pm, parade time, the drizzles started again. There were quite a few people sitting out in the mist watching, it wasn't crowded though, not like the Halloween parade. It was a long parade (for Shippensburg) with apparatus from Cumberland, Franklin, York and Huntingdon Counties. Probably more if you count the many pieces of private antique apparatus (plus I missed some of it as it passed the station while I was still in the parade). Maybe later this week I'll share some from the sidelines of the parade route.
On a side note I spoke with fellow blogger Bradley, (see his link on the sidebar over there) he might post some from the parade also. And I finally met Cincy Bill in the flesh, he was at the parade, and I'm sure took lots of pictures. Now he just needs to start a blog and then you could see what he saw.


  1. Didn't take a single photograph Haney. But I bet I will in a couple of weeks during the rut. I hope to hook up with you guys there.

  2. Haney,

    It was great to meet you also. I wish I had time to start a blog and do such a good job as you do here! I had a blast riding with Brad and Tommy and Andy. See old die hard Vigilant's and an old die hard West Ender can get along :-)
