Other Stuff

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Rare Bird, Indeed

When I was a kid all you had to do was walk the fields around my house and you would see and flush ringneck after ringneck. Years later you saw less and less of them. If my Dad hadn't raised them for a while I'm sure my kids wouldn't know what they were. They've probably only seen one or two in the wild. It's a shame. Nothing said fall like the cackle of a ringneck pheasant, a cockbird. While small game hunting the sight of a German Short-Hair Pointer on point and the explosion from the brush that followed was more of a rush than actually bagging one. Does it make me old to say that I miss that and wish my kids could have experienced this?

1 comment:

  1. Pretty bird. I also liked this bird as a kid and enjoyed seeing them in the fields. where did they all go too?
