Other Stuff

Thursday, September 17, 2009

SkyWatch - CloudWatch

Welcome to another SkyWatch. This week it is the cloud game. I know you've all played this one before. Look at the top picture. At first I said 'dead dinosaur'. But on further investigation look at the legs on the left, the head on the right. That head is straight out of Whoville and those legs? You got it. That is the Grinch lying on his back with a sack of Christmas toys on his belly. Isn't this easy? Picture number two. No doubt about it. That is a bear sitting on his haunches looking away from you. This is too easy, play along.
Hey... that SkyWatch icon on the right sidebar? Hit it and see if anyone else is playing the cloud game this week.


  1. I can see the Grinch , and the bear , well I think he might be leaving a deposit.

  2. Who said that? If he is then it's true what they say about the bear and the woods.

  3. What great cloud shots! Fabulous! And I do see the Grinch and if the bear is leaving a deposit then I'm glad I wasn't under that particular cloud! What fun!

    Happy SWF!


  4. Fun! I think the Grinch looks rather like an octopus, if you don't demand to see all its legs!

  5. Great clouds, looks like cotton

    Christina, Sweden

    skywatching all over the world

  6. Wonderful cloud formations and the color is so pretty.
