Other Stuff

Thursday, September 10, 2009

SkyWatch, Sunrise and Deer

One morning last week while wasting a little time before I needed to be at work I hit a few potential hot spots for deer. Some paid off. This doe and fawn were in no hurry to hit the brush and I got to see the sun rise on a foggy morning. All is good.
As always click on the SkyWatch icon on my sidebar, right over there, and check out what bloggers around the world see when they look up. Let them know what you think.


  1. Wonderful photos!I love deer´s!Thank you for sharing and have a great weekend!

  2. Great outdoor shots. Your sky scenes very fitting for today's post.

  3. As well as the photos, I'm impressed by anyone being up early enough to havetime to spare on the way to work...unless you work nights of course!

  4. Great photos, I love the deer and your sky has prett colors.
