Other Stuff

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I am not going to enrich your day with the inner workings of the autumnal equinox but I will reiterate that I love fall. Winter can get long and spring is fine but summer is too hot. Fall is definitely my favorite. Hopefully I can get out a get some pictures of the changing colors this year. I was too busy last year to enjoy the changing colors. I left for Colorado before things really changed and returned after the peak. Of course by the time we got out west the aspen had long since quaked which left little color to be had. I found these pictures in a box years ago that I had picked up at an estate auction. I know 99.5% of the pictures I post are mine, but a few haven't been. There have been several taken by one of my kids or the other. I liked these from the time I first saw them and they remind me of Colorado. It's been crazy busy here but once I mow the yard tomorrow things slow down and I should have an opportunity to work some of my pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure they are not yours. At first glance and even second glance they look like they came from Eagle last year. The borders do look aged but the content doesn't.
