Other Stuff

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

the alley, 8:12 pm

I've missed posting an alley shot since August, sorry. Here is the October edition. Any ideas? This one, I know, is fairly easy. But let's play nice anyway. (For those just tuning in I try to post a nighttime shot of an alley or street somewhere in and around Shippensburg and let my two regular readers take guesses where it is. Posted at 9 AM to give everyone a fighting chance.


  1. Is it S Penn Street by the industrial park?? or S Seneca Street??

  2. It is Locust Street. You are standing on West Garifield Street shoting toward Orange Street. The fair grounds is toward your left. It is a cool Saturday evening.

  3. I would say haney is standing on the Possum Hollow Rd. looking North on to Locust st.

    And the winner of the steak dinner for naming the alley is!!!

    Let`s have it haney , correct answer is.

  4. Sparky is the winner!!! Sparky? Barry is buying!

  5. Now if we just had a good steak house in Ship.

  6. Sparky , just go into any Hoss steak house and when you order tell them barry sent you and they will bring your steak right out.

    When you leave they may be another issue , you may have to wash your dishes and everyone elses before you leave.

  7. That's OK Barry. Nothing beats a steak on the grill at home. Might have to do a couple this weekend.
