Other Stuff

Thursday, October 15, 2009

SkyWatch Saturday Night

Saturday evening was spent out at my parents house. It was the firehouse's annual pig roast, held in conjunction with a semi-annual fundraiser. The day starts slow but by evening friends and fellow firefighters are bringing covered dishes. The venison roast is on the campfire, the hot dog fork is loaded and hanging over the fire and the guys are starting to wrap the pigs. Also by this time the fire pit is burning a small fire and a fire has begun next to the pit. During all of this (and I will post more on the pig roast later) the sun was setting. At least two people said, "Hey, there's your SkyWatch picture for next week". I had already been taking pictures. First to last... 6:48 pm, 6:49 pm, 6:53 pm and 6:58 pm. All I did to these pictures is size them and sharpen them, nothing else.
As always click the SkyWatch icon on the right to see everyone else's sky.


  1. Haney, Just beautiful. Mom

  2. Beautiful sky colors and so fascinating to watch the progression of the sunset through your pictures.

  3. great series of photos, thanks for sharing

  4. Another burnig sky set, great post, love the colors and composition, well done!!!

    Have a nice SWF.

    eric, Holland

  5. Beautiful shots! Lovely set for skywatch.

  6. Great pictures. You have an eye for color. Thanks.

  7. Beautiful pictures of the sunset!!

  8. Beautiful colors in your skywatch, thanks for sharing.

  9. Nice photographs and beautiful sunset skies.

