Other Stuff

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Wapiti Sunset

This weeks edition of SkyWatch comes from Elk County, Pennsylvania. Did I mention I spent the weekend in Elk County? During the rut? Taking pictures? Well I did. This shot came Saturday evening. My son and I found this bull and cow, along with a satellite bull back a mining road. While the crowds we're all out scaring the other elk we had this to ourselves (along with a group of three other camo camera guys) It was nice without all the tourists running towards them trying to see who can get closest. (I think I covered the tourist thing when I was in Maine). Found him and her again in the morning.
SkyWatch, in it's glorious entirety, can be found by clicking the icon to your left over there. See what everyone else, around the world, sees.


  1. Great of the elk, they are awesome animals.

  2. I found one like that in Namibia, Africa...congrats

    great shot

  3. The pink (romantic) sky as backdrop to the bull and cow is perfect!

  4. Beautiful compostion - the light was just right.

  5. An absolutely superb shot with the antlers!
