Other Stuff

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Birdwalk 12/27/09

Today may have been my final bird walk for the year. This morning broke clear and cold but warming fast. Except where the sun wasn't. I parked in my usual spot and started out around 9:20. I saw several Great Blue Herons along the spring on my way in and several more on my walk. Along with the herons there were House Finches and two Belted Kingfishers. Birds seen and not captured include crows, cardinals and what I think was a hawk but could have been an owl. It flew from a barn across the road and maybe 100 to 150 yards behind me. The road, as I mentioned, was a little icy. When I turned around at the bridge I stepped off the road as a small car was crossing the bridge, I checked traffic in the opposite direction and when I looked back the car was sliding sideways at about 15 yards. As I began evasive maneuvers she regained control and continued on her route. Who know bird watching was a hazardous pastime?

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