Other Stuff

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Juveniles and SkyWatch

Today, for SkyWatch, I offer a couple more pictures from my Conowingo Dam adventure last Sunday. As I mentioned yesterday there were nearly as many juvenile eagles as there were adults. And to also repeat, for those just stopping by for SkyWatch, the distinct white head and tail don't appear until the birds are in their fifth year. And in addition I invite my SkyWatch friends to scroll backwards to see some of my other eagles pictures I've posted this week.
And, as always, to see what their sky is looking like these days click on that there SkyWatch icon I have over in the right hand sidebar. Thanks.


  1. Great shot of the juvie Eagles.

    I was there last Sunday too. Did you see the adult Eagle in the tree eating the catfish. It was right over the parking lot. Very cool!

  2. I scrolled down - great shots of the eagles in flight.
    And the info was very useful!

  3. These are terrific in flight! Really nice submission-

  4. Eileen, Yes I saw him and will get around to posting those pictures sometimes. I was surprised last Sunday, I thought there would be a bigger crowd than there was.

  5. Very beautiful photos of the eagles! I scrolled down and read your other posts too. What wonderful shots!.

  6. It must be lovely to see them, they're so inspiring. Happy SWF!
