Other Stuff

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

More Dam Eagles

More eagles. Remember that Bald Eagles don't pop out of the egg with that white head I is normally five years until the coloration develops. Soooo.... There is probably a 50/50 split at Conowingo of mature and juvenile birds. As Bradley mentioned in the comments yesterday, he visited when the pumps weren't running, Sunday morning when I visited the pumps ran until maybe 8 AM. And once they shut down a lot of the activity died down, along with a drop in water elevation by about six feet. Look closely at the bottom picture, click on it and look. You can count 11 eagles lounging on the rocks along with all the gulls and vultures and a single heron back in the background.


  1. Like the new header. It makes it feel like christmas. Where are all the pictures from the deer yesterday?

  2. I think you are doing pretty good Haney, I love the shot of the eagle flying at you. I have not had the chance to try and get a photo or screw up a photo like that yet. One of these days.

    Did any of you guys get your bucks yesterday?
