Other Stuff

Sunday, January 03, 2010

The Dam Black Vultures

Conowingo Dam has more to offer than just a bunch of Bald Eagles, there is also thousands of gulls and Black Vultures. The vultures seem to hang out on the power towers and I also saw them lounging on the rocks. Towards late morning some did give us a fly over. I think I was the only fool snapping away as they passed over. This isn't the first time I've seem Black Vultures, we saw them in Chincoteague last Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. those pics are really impressive! actually- your blog is really clever (luved the title) and ur a really talented photographer!(check out my blog if u get a chance- wafflebloggle.blogspot.com and follow-- since i really suck at finding followers)
    keep up the awesome pics!! :)
