Other Stuff

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Got My Bale Out

This may actually be what I was looking for a couple weeks ago. (check here) This, I ran onto on the way back into town last Saturday morning. I didn't notice all the haze when I was taking this but it is looking pretty bad. I've always admired this point of view and have made several attempts at it but this, so far I think, is my best. back before I started this blog I frequented a blog by Kathleen Connally called "A Walk Through Durham Township" (Bucks County, Pa.) and I still stop by occasionally. She has mastered the farm field and lots of sky pictures. Check out this one or this one or this one (which is actually sky and lots of farm field). My other attempts are here and here.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Haney, I think you have a gift for framing and composition - great job! Thanks for the mentions! All the best.
