Other Stuff

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Around the 'house

Around the firehouse. Today's pictures were taken a week ago late in the evening. In fact, most of the engine bay lights were out. I had my new 50mm lens on my camera and was playing with depth of field. Notice the third picture how there is a definite in-focus area? That's a shallow depth of field. Also with the 50mm I can't just stand there and get the entire engine. So here are bits and pieces of our fire engines. The last picture is the sign up board that is mounted between the bay doors for volunteers to sign into a riding assignment.


  1. Lt Dan has duty night this weekend... sign up and help out on jenny 1 or jenny 2

  2. Haney is the new 50mm a f1-4 or 1.8inquiring minds want to know?
