Other Stuff

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Dear Phil,

Dear Phil,

I know it's late and the Inner Circle is all abuzz with this morning's prognostication but think about this for a minute before you stick your chubby little head from your burrow, I mean stump. The sooner Spring arrives the sooner you could be munching on some luscious clover. Something those wackos at PETA don't understand is that a mechanical groundhog can't do that. Isn't the unemployment rate bad enough without putting a hard working whistle pig into the soup line? So keep doing what it is that you've been doing for 124 years now. And tell PETA to bite your hairy little woodchuck butt.

Thanks for listening, Haney (mere mortal)


  1. amen to that.... why do they always have to mess with tradition, seems like it's the only thing left for some of us who have been around for a while

  2. haney , don`t hold back , tell us what you really think!

    Sorry get ready for 6 more weeks!

  3. Tradition, humane, bullshit. Ask the farmer how he likes it when a cow or horse breaks a leg ot the tractor gets a broken axle. Or me when they dig a hole under my pool. They are rodents that serve no purpose on this planet. I do have the answer and it comes in the form of hot lead, BANG.

  4. Well I'm gald you and brad tell it like it is. What is the purpose of the groundhog?
