Other Stuff

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Library

This is the Shippensburg Public Library on West King Street. Also known as the George Stewart House it was built in 1880 and remodeled in 1936 and later sold to the Library in 1957. But that's not what my story is about today. It snowed here last weekend, if you didn't already know. Around here we got 20 to 24 inches of snow. I was driving through town late Saturday evening what I saw this picture waiting to be taken. OK, state of emergency, I can't park on the street. I'll park at the Bingo Palace and cut up they alleyway beside CV's firehouse. Not shoveled. OK, how about along side the post office. Good to go. Start walking about a block back up to the library and see 7 or 8 college kids walking across the street from me. They will be passing right in front of the library. I can kiss those eye catching toadstools of snow goodbye. Hold your breath. No one shoveled in front of the library so most of them wade out to the street to pass. Hold your breath. No one touches the unmolested snow. I'm in business. A note on the last picture (besides the fact my pants are frozen up to my knees, it was 17 degrees out) very little traffic, I have my tripod set up in the street for that one.


  1. I like thes econd one. The black and white just does something with the snow.

  2. cool shots Haney


  3. come to DC there is lots of unmolested snow... most of it is on the streets
