Other Stuff

Monday, March 01, 2010

Marching in Like Lions

He we go... March. That's right almost time to put our snow shovels away and grease up the lawn mowers. Hard to believe with all the snow still hanging around that spring is less than three weeks away. A slight panic this afternoon when I thought I didn't have any lions to post for March 1st. Then I remembered these. Back to Chinatown for one more day. I don't think anyone liked my trip to NYC for the Lunar New Year parade last weekend. After a week of posting pictures from Sunday afternoon's parade and elsewhere it took some pictures of a fire truck until someone commented. So although Chinatown week is over I still have pictures to post from my short trip. I'll space them out from here. I promise. Enjoy your March.


  1. I did like the pictures from Chinatown. Just didn't know waht to say. Did they said March is in like a lamb? Also nice pictures around the station.

  2. I agree with Sparky on the pictures from Chinatown. Enjoyed but couldn't think of anything to say. I enjoy all your postings Haney. Keep up the good work.

