Other Stuff

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Me and the Tree at Sunset

You know when I got my first digital camera I thought, "Wow, now I can take a couple pictures of everything, pick out the best one and delete the rest." That was almost 6 years ago. Last Thursday I drove out the the Game Lands and set up the tripod and took some pictures of the sunset. Fifty-six pictures in 25 minutes. All of the sunset. And this tree. Try and pick out the ONE best picture out of those 56? Here's three of them. Each a little different. Each the same. The center picture was taken with my fish-eye macro lens on. Something tells me it won't get any easier for me. (actually these are posted in reverse order of how I took them)
Remember, I know it's been a while, Click on the SkyWatch icon on the right side over there and see everyone else's sky.

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