Other Stuff

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The People You See on the Streets of New York

OK, today's post is set up a little different and I apologize right up front. Last summer while in New York City I took a lot of pictures, some were of the people you see in the Big Apple. In the first picture is America Ferrera, yes, that is ABC TV's Ugly Betty. They were filming an episode while we drove past. I snapped maybe eight pictures, this is the best. Second picture is some dude dressed up like the Statue of Liberty. No, I don't think he was hocking tax services like the doofuses you see on your local street corner. Third, sorry for the blur, this was taken from the passenger's seat through the driver's window, on the move. A pink gorilla? IDK. A last but not least, if you are eating right now or are easily nauseated, stop and do not proceed. I am really really truly sorry, but I shouldn't be the only one who suffers. Folks I introduce the Naked Cowgirl. Not really naked and not really "girl". Not every picture you take is admired by others. Some need to serve as a warning. Again, I am sorry.

I really am very sorry, I apologize.