Other Stuff

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Fool and His Money...

If you read my comments section you will have seen that my Saturday post had a question about a homemade helicopter. Well, Merisi form Vienna, Austria, this is what a fool looks like in a homemade helicopter. Everyone, please excuse the picture quality, I didn't plan on posting these pictures but sometime they need to be used as evidence. These two buzzed around the township park from an hour or so last Friday. The Shippensburg Airport is actually not that far away, less than a mile, I assume that is where they came from.

1 comment:

  1. The guy up the street from me has a homemade helocopter. He stores it in his shed over the winter and houses it at the Shippensburg International Airport over the summer. It is a cool looking thing on the ground, but will not catch me riding the think.
