Other Stuff

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Marilyn Spock (PG 143)

This little tidbit of NYC is at the corner of Mott Street and Kenmare Street in Nolita, near Chinatown. It is the restaurant L'asso and is an Andy Warhol-esque mash up of Mr. Spock and Marilyn Monroe. With a little of the Joker thrown in just for color. And if you were to Google Spock/Monroe you would find that there are a lot of other people who found this wall interesting enough to post on their whatever. Also, if you're like me, you said to yourself, "Self," (I assume that's how you address yourself. You'd say, "Self, Just what is Nolita?" Well, you can google that too but I'll straighten that out for you and save you the time. No L Ita, or North of Little Italy.

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