Other Stuff

Monday, May 03, 2010

Stay Out of the Honeysuckles

Hey look, the honeysuckle blossoms are a pinkish purple color. Something I've never really taken notice to before. Some are starting to change to yellow already which means that... AHHHH! HOLY CRAP! THERE'S A SNAKE IN THERE! That's right there was a snake hanging out in a honeysuckle bush. Three feet off the ground. And. And, I forgot to actually take any pictures of the blossoms. I went back later in the afternoon and took those. After looking to make sure the snake wasn't in them.


  1. Country Singer sings a song a staying out of the honeysuckles. Pretty cool song, just like your pictures of the honeysuckles, minus the snake. What kind of snake?

  2. Ive said it before... of the two kinds of snakes I'm aware of this is an "Alive Snake".
