Other Stuff

Friday, June 25, 2010

Name That Station 6

How does that old Sesame Street song go? "One of these thing is not like the other..." There is an obvious trick this week, with reasonable cause. The rest is up to you. Answers at noon.


  1. Well Haney, this week and I home and unlike last week when I knew all of them you have me stumped with one.

    #1 Looks like the station in Colonial Williamsburg. Even it I am wrong I know it is not a Cumberland County firehouse.

    #2 This is the one that I am not sure of but I think it is Wormtown Co. 15. Even though I live on the West Shore now I am weak on those stations.

    #3 The new addition to South Newton Co. 49

    #4 The medic house in Shippensburg Twonship.

    You found a good way to get people involved in the site. Great idea Haney, I know I am having fun. Now lets go do some shooting together sometime. Shane and I just got back from Benezette yesterday.

  2. Ok lets give this one a try. Well we will start off with the first one, no glue. The second one would be Wormleysburg station of the West Shore Fire Co. 13. THe third one would be South Newton Fire Co. 49 of Walnut Bottom. And the fourth is the Shippensburg Twp Shed, that houses the Medic 84 of the West Shore EMS. Still don't know the first one. I will guess some where in Mechanicsburg.

  3. You know since you just came from Harpers Ferry that may be the location of the first firehall, either way I know I have seen it before. All these senior moments lately who knows.

  4. I will take a guess on the first one. It is the Friendship Fire Company of Harpers Ferry, WV. They were founded in 1927 and are located on Washington ST, Harpers Ferry. The have a web site, but do not show any pictures.

  5. should have checked ur site instead of working... i had the first one right away
