Other Stuff

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Sitting Here Watching Airplanes

I grew up near the airport. It was a small airport. They kept the grass mowed on the runways back in the day. Hundred watt light bulbss in upside down mason jars lined the runway. We would walk there sometimes if we saved up a quarter, there was a Pepsi machine and a few old couches. We would talk with the owners or watch the pilots. Most days we just hung out in the lounge and drank our soda. As we grew older we would play capture the flag here. One team in the woods across the railroad tracks, one team up on the hill between the main runway and the side runway. The main runway was no mans land. Afterwards we'd meet in the lounge to talk about the game then head back to our camps for the night. The airport suffered a lull a few years back. Lately there have been more of these kinds of planes in and out along with the ultra light guys. There was once parachuters using it on a regular basis. We would sit and watch them all day. Maybe next time I see them out and about I should go back and see what has changed. It's been awhile. I'll bet the Pepsi's ain't a quarter anymore.
To see everyone else's sky click the SkyWatch icon on the right side over there. You won't be disappointed.


  1. Good pictures of the planes. Like I said on Shane's blog, I could sit and watch planes all day long. And nice story about the airport.

  2. Fantastic shots of a flight!! Nice captures!!

    Pixellicious Photos

  3. Small airports are the best! Small airplanes are such fun to watch.

  4. Loved these photos. They are a nice change from trees and buildings (which I often use) as part of my frame for the sky photos.

  5. Hubby surely love airplane watching. Your sky is so clear! Happy weekend!

    SWF~Dark clouds

  6. Sitting on the dock of the bay, watching the tide roll away. Oh, wait, wrong song. lol Enjoy your site and check it out daily. You know me Haney, no comments. Keep up the great job.

    Stay safe.


  7. "I'm just sitting out here watching airplanes take off and fly.
    Trying to figure out which one you might be on,
    And why you don't love me anymore.
    Right now i'm sitting out here watching airplanes"
    Watching Airplanes Written and performed by Gary Allen, 2007.
