Other Stuff

Monday, July 12, 2010

Harpers Ferry from the Heights

These are some of the better pictures I took from up on Maryland Heights of the town of Harpers Ferry. These I took after I put on the big lens and zoomed in on things. First picture is a church and other buildings in the downtown. Sorry I didn't go walkabout through town so I don't know what is what. But these pictures do have me wanting to go look around some more. Second picture is the railroad bridge. Look top, just left of center, that's John Brown's Fort aka the fire station. Click on the picture and you can see people walking across the bridge. Third picture is the train station. An active Amtrak station, too. The rail car across the street is a restaurant. A BBQ spot. They had the smoker out on the side deck just a smokin' away. Probably not cooking anything, just using it to chum in customers. It worked. I got a huge pulled pork sandwich here. Very good. And about a gallon of ice water.
Sorry, I missed Sunday's post. Lately too much else is going on and I just missed it. Some of you have noticed no Saturday posts these last couple of weeks, well, that's because I'm giving you 2 posts, sometimes 12 pictures and 5 stories on Friday. Even bloggers need a break from that.

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