Other Stuff

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mike's BP

Again this week, no Painted Gentleman. I'm glad vacation is soon because my files are getting picked over pretty good. Seems like firehouse pictures has been all I've gotten lately. I haven't been on a birdwalk in what seems like a month. That will be remedied soon. So this week, like last week and the week before, it's just advertisements. I wonder if Mike here is affected by the big oil spill?


  1. That looks like Sherman's Dale close to the firehouse, is it? Did I win again and if so what did I win. Come on help me out here I work for Harrisburg, you know that makes me a loser.

  2. Hey, it ain't Friday. Everyone please ignore anything this guy says. He knows not what he is talking about. Pay him no attention. Go over to his site and check out the sikas.

  3. I get around don't I, LOL. I have to play when I can since I won't be around on Fridays for another three or four weeks.

    Blackwater or Bombay Hook are both 3 to 3 1/2 hours drives. I could not pick one over the other depending on the time of the year. Ospreys are awesome at Blackwater now, it is at Cambridge Maryland. I would like the drive back and forth from Bombay Hook better being at Smyrna Delaware. The fall migration sounds great and of course Jan to March for the fow breeding season.

    We need to do it and of course you need to go along on a day trip or two to SNP with me. Whitetails galore.

  4. Brad... i know it's shermansdale pa.... close to home for me, guess i should call my parents
