Other Stuff

Thursday, July 08, 2010

More Than Just Another Sunset

When I saw that it was going to be a less than spectacular sunset I needed to get creative. I had driven out to the game lands to catch the sunset. And the weather was just not cooperating. temperatures in the upper 70's, low 80's. No humidity. How in the world am I suppose to get pictures of the sun setting through the summer haze with weather like this? Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do... It's been upper 90's this week with 70 to 80% humidity, so on the other side of the weather coin, you gotta watch what you wish for.
Hit the SkyWatch icon on my right side there and see if everyone else is having my problems or maybe they're just enjoying the day.


  1. Great captures!! Excellent Photography :-)

    Pixellicious Photos

  2. Great photos full of colour to celebrate Sky Watch Friday.

  3. Beautiful indeed.

    Please have a nice Friday.
    daily athens

  4. You did good for the conditions you had...good job.

  5. nicely done! the second photo is my favorite.

  6. very creative indeed! :D loving the perspective of the photos :)
