Other Stuff

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Playing with Fire

Don't hold this post against me, please come back tomorrow. Sitting watching the fire pit from under the hut, 'cause it was raining, I tried some different approaches to taking pictures of the coals. First two are my favorites, number two was simply sweeping the camera left to right. Or was it right to left? I'll remember to make a note of it next time. Should have saved that one for next month's header. The first one is a trick when you focus on the subject with the zoom all the way out (or is it in, I can't recall), open the shutter and spin the zoom before the shutter closes. A neat trick on any lights at night if you can hold the camera still enough.


  1. OK How many beers does this take to do????

  2. I like them Haney and I think you went right to left, I am just not sure if it was my right or your right.
