Other Stuff

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Sir Prize Launch

OK, back to theme week: Balloonfest. This balloon is called "Sir Prize" and they dumped it out and assembled it right in front of where we were sitting. From laying the basket on it's side and mounting the burner, to sitting it upright and testing it. Next was the fans to fill the envelope with air and attaching it to the basket. Load the passengers and heat up the air inside and wait for lift off. If people in the last picture don't look like they are looking at the balloon it's because they are looking at the balloon that had lifted off across the field and was floating right over this one. Air horns were blown, one let the air out a bit one gave it more fuel for more lift. Tragedy avoided. If you noticed all the Mennonites in the first three pictures, it happens that this balloon landed in their fields the day before and they (with all nine kids) were invited to come watch and lend a hand Saturday night.


  1. Nice pictures. Would enjoy watching this, but I'm staying on the ground....

  2. usual price for landing in someones field... one bottle of champane or wine... take off can be determined, landing zone is a controled crash in a random field at the descretion of the wind... there is a reason the truck following the ballon is called a chase car
